Hardware Harry Meets Jane The Dulux Colour Hero

Monday 25th February 2019

Hardware Harry is rarely seen in the wild without a hard hat and his trustee Stanley tool-belt. He is a man that confidently claims that he is as good with a hammer as he is with a good crossword puzzle.  He decided recently to join forces with Jane the Dulux Colour Hero to shoot the breeze about paint. The pair discussed a wide range of topics from what exactly is the difference between oil based and water based paint, what colour works best with EVERYTHING and what exactly you need to do to neautralise bright colours! 



Hardware Harry Meets Jane The Dulux Colour Hero





Hadrware Harry Talks Paint Advice For Builders





Hardware Harry Talks What Colour Paint Works Best With Everything 






Hardware Harry Finds Out What The Difference Is Between Oil Based Paints and Water Based Paints 




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