How to Light a Coal Fire

Monday 25th February 2019

Lighting fires was one of the earliest human discoveries. Interestingly it has been recognised that great apes preferred cooked foods so fire has always been in our DNA. Lighting a fire used to be an utmost necessity with multiple purposes; to add light and heat, to cook meat and to even keep predators away. Today coal fires may be a necessity or you may just want to create a nice atmosphere when a wooing.  
Lighting a coal fire undoubtedly serves a social purpose and has done in the past and continues to do so today - the delivery of the fire is different, but it still serves the same purpose. An open fire in your home is one of the comforts of an Irish household and a necessity during a winter evenings. When a coal fire is lit correctly it should deliver a blazing fire and generate heat and create a magic setting. A fire that is lit incorrectly on the other hand won’t give you much comfort and may even result in a loss of romantic appetite, so make sure you get it right and follow our guide on how to light a fire. 
The best way to build a fire in a fireplace is like the best way of building a house,  start with building the foundation first. Alternatively check out our video guide on how to start the perfect fire.
There’s No Fire Without Flame – Start At The Grate
Firelighters provide the flame to your fire and for striking up that warm feeling in seconds. Simply place two firelighters in a V shape against the back wall of a clean fire grate. If you don’t want to get your hands dirty when igniting a coal fire, we recommend wrapped firelighters and for extra safety long matches or a gas lighter. 
Without Kindling Your Flame Won’t Last 
Firelighters are great when lighting a coal fire and in an ideal world you could just throw a bucket load of coal directly onto it. Ironically if you were to do this you would quickly learn that this is not how to light a coal fire – it would be more like how not to light a fire. Have your sticks of wood to hand. On top of the firelighters, Lay one piece of wood on top of the other. We recommend stacking a further 6 or 7 pieces of small sticks/kindling at right angles against the stacked pieces. 
Ignite the Coal Fire   
When stacking the small sticks over the firelighters make sure to leave a space so that you can easily reach the firelighters. You may have long matches or a gas lighter which will make lighting a coal fire much easier.  
Your Coal Fire Needs to Breath 
A common reason for coal fires going out prematurely is from a lack of oxygen. Very often before your fire has gained momentum it is overloaded with coal and as a result your fire will suffocate. To prevent this you may wish to build up the fire with more sticks first and to open your grate slightly on the left so your fire can breath. 
Add Your Coal 
Once all the other steps have been done correctly immediately throw a generous amount of coal onto the fire. Your coal will ensure that your fire stays lit for longer, generates heat and ensures that your home is nice and snug. 
Refill your fire at your own discretion, depending on how long you plan to sit in front of the fire. 



For more information on how to light the perfect fire, check out our "How To Light A Fire Infographic"







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